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                                                                 In Mrs. Burroughs’s Class, how do I…?

Begin Class:  Enter the room quietly and find your seat.  

Writing Utensils:  Students are responsible for bringing writing utensils to class EVERY DAY; the teacher will NOT provide these items.  

Instruction Time:  During class and instruction time, you are to remain in your seat until you have permission to get up; this includes putting trash in the trashcan and getting a tissue.

Turning in Work:  All work will be turned in on Google Classroom. IF there is any paper work to be turned in I will give you directions on that as needed.

Make-Up Work:  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check Google Classroom for any work you have missed.  Any missing work, tests, or projects need to be made up within five (5) days of returning to school.

Ending Class:  The teacher ends the class; the bell serves as a reminder to the teacher to end class. 

Personal Communication Devices (PCD) / Cell Phones:

Since Belton Middle School is one-to-one with chromebooks, there is no need for cell phones in the classroom.  Cell phones are to remain in the student’s backpack at all times. The District policy (found in the student handbook) will be enforced in class.  


Discipline:    The policies and procedures of Belton Middle School, as outlined in the Student Handbook, will be followed in this classroom.

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